Have you thought about having your roof inspected? Notice anything out of place, missing, or leaking? Regular roof maintenance will extend the service life of your roof and can help avoid costly repairs in the future. Potential roof problems can be avoided by keeping your valleys, flashings, and gutter systems clear of debris. We recommend having this done at least once a year. We offer this service mainly in the spring and fall, but it is available all year.
If interested in this service, please respond by one of the following: fill out the form on our website www.mortensonroofing.com; complete the bottom portion of this letter and either fax to (815) 464-7850 or email to diana@mortensonroofing.com; drop in the mail or give us a call at (888) 773-7306.
Note: Payment is due within 10 days of the invoice date. Balance unpaid after the due date will be subject to a late payment charge of 1½% per month (computed daily).
*Note: Credit card payments can be done through our website www.mortensonroofing.com under “Pay Online” at the top of the page.
We appreciate you contacting us. One of our colleagues will get back in touch with you soon!
Have a great day!
Northwest Indiana
and surrounding areas
We also do work in other areas, especially the Midwest area of the US, including downstate IL, WI, MI, MO, and IA. We also do work in FL and LA and have travelled as far away as New York and Washington state for slate and tile roof projects.
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